Utah Talking Points & Fact Sheet
Review these talking points before you meet with your policymakers.
National Afterschool Policy Issues
SY2023-24 State of Afterschool Year at a Glance
Review both the most current demographic and organizational data from out-of-school time programs in the state of Utah.
Afterschool Alliance America After 3 PM Report: Utah
In 2020, Afterschool Alliance conducted a parent phone survey about the landscape of afterschool programs in Utah.
21st Century Community Learning Centers
Afterschool Alliance has the most updated information regarding 21st CCLC funding.
State of Afterschool Programs in Utah 2019This report includes the latest attendee demographics, evaluations, and program highlights.
Utah Afterschool Network | 2023-24 Annual Report
Review UAN's mission, vision, and impact, along with the tools and resources UAN provides to aid programs in serving youth around the state with high-quality experiences.