Quality Tool

What is the Quality Tool?

The Utah Afterschool Network's Quality Self-Assessment Tool was developed by a diverse group of stakeholders and is supported by the Department of Workforce Services Office of Child Care and the Utah State Board of Education. It outlines standards in five areas: Continuous Quality Improvement, Administration, Be Safe, Develop Meaningful Relationships, and Learn New Skills. It is best practice for grant administrators to complete the Continuous Quality Improvement and Administration sections and for each program site complete Be Safe, Develop Meaningful Relationships, and Learn New Skills.

The Quality Tool is applicable to afterschool and community programs at all stages of development and which serve youth of all ages. It is best used in conjunction with other formal and informal evaluation methods to help programs identify strengths and needs and inform continuous improvement efforts and plans.

Why is the Quality Tool Important?

The Quality Self-Assessment Tool and Action Plan assist afterschool programs with their growth and ensure they are following best practices. We always want to be improving so that we provide our youth with the absolute best experience and instill positive skills for life.

Quality Tool Tutorial