While there are many high quality afterschool programs throughout the state, over 99,000 youth are still alone and unsupervised between the hours of 3 and 6 p.m.
If you are considering creating an afterschool program in your community, there are many resources available to help you get started.

Afterschool Alliance
Program Start Up Guides
The Afterschool Alliance offers guides on starting a variety of programs, as well as funding resources and information on policy efforts to foster support and opportunities for afterschool programming.
National Afterschool Association
How to Start an Afterschool Program
After signing up for a free National Afterschool Association membership, you will gain access to “How to Start an Afterschool Program: 10 Things to Consider,” which includes useful information on types of programs, quality standards, licensing requirements, funding, and more.
Utah Department of Workforce Services/Utah State University Extension 4-H
Start an Afterschool Program Guide
This guide includes information and tips on initial steps to help your program grow from inception to becoming fully functional and high quality.
Southwest Educational Development Laboratory (SEDL)
A Resource Guide for Planning and Operating Afterschool Programs.
This SEDL toolkit provides a description of resources to support 21st Century Community Learning Center afterschool programs. Many of the entries also apply to before-school, summer, and community learning center programs.
Beyond the Bell
Toolkit for Creating Effective Afterschool and Expanded Learning Programs
The Beyond the Bell® Toolkit is designed to help afterschool and expanded learning program directors, site coordinators, and other staff members create and sustain high-quality, effective afterschool and expanded learning programs.
The Expanded Learning Project
Expanding Minds and Opportunities: The Power of Afterschool and Summer Learning for Student Success Compendium
This publication, edited by Terry K. Peterson, Ph.D., is a groundbreaking compendium of studies, reports and commentaries by more than 100 thought leaders including community leaders, elected officials, educators, researchers, advocates and other prominent authors.