In order to support high-quality afterschool programs, UAN utilizes several resources to guide us in making the most timely and relevant best practices available to providers. We are happy to share a number of our favorite researchers and articles in order for you to learn more and continue to drive quality improvement in your organization.
Salary Impacts on Afterschool Staff Retention and Program Quality
The Utah Afterschool Network collected salary and retention data from afterschool programs around the state which has been used in conjunction with pre and post-external program observations to demonstrate the impacts staff pay and retention have on overall program quality.
Utah Education Policy Center
The UEPC conducts numerous evaluations on out-of-school time activities including afterschool programs, community schooling, and quality standards.
American Institute for Research
How students spend time outside of the classroom—before and after school and during breaks and summer vacation—has a tremendous impact on what they achieve in school and in life. Quality expanded learning opportunities extend learning and positive youth development beyond the school bell and engage students who might otherwise be left behind. Our work in the afterschool and expanded learning field supports the creation, evaluation, improvement, and maintenance of high-quality afterschool and expanded learning programs in a variety of ways.
Search Institute
Search Institute offers research-based tools and resources to translate the passion and commitment of your youth development staff into effective developmental relationships that help young people thrive.
Afterschool Alliance
Delve into our vast collection of research resources that show afterschool programs are keeping kids safe, inspiring learning, and helping working families across the country.
National Afterschool Association
NAA is pleased to offer the afterschool professional a wide range of tools and downloads designed to both grow your career and strengthen your program.
The National Institute of Out-of-School Time
Expanding Minds and Opportunities
Studies have shown that high quality expanded learning programs link to student achievement. The tools and research summaries here outline some of the most recent and compelling research on the impact of expanded learning on student achievement, attendance and classroom behavior.