The National Association for Afterschool (NAA), our field’s memberships organization, recently published five focus briefs for nation wide use. NAA is often publishing articles that reflect best practice thinking for the profession. This particular set of publications is geared to help your organization raise awareness on the importance of improving the quality of afterschool programs, provider professionalism, and social media practices. These briefs can be used in a myriad of fashions ranging from a staff focused workshop, to sharing with your principles, families or your local legislators.
In particular, the Call to Action Brief has great potential to bridge the gap of understanding between your program and your local legislator/policy/decision maker. Use this brief to start a conversation about what afterschool can do for the community at large. Mounting research and evidence demonstrates the efficacy of out-of-school time programs to close the achievement gap, increase third grade reading proficiency, and improve community spaces. However, the field can only achieve these valuable outcomes with quality programs staffed by highly qualified professionals. There is a current gap in funding that is critical to high quality programs in order to produce high quality outcomes. Public and private funding is essential to making sustainable improvements in afterschool quality.
This brief highlights six areas of need for improvement and funding that help decision makers understand the value afterschool has in the community. Check out this brief and see what afterschool can contribute to your local community outcomes conversation.