By Amberley Motz | a
All the bagels have been consumed, so many behavior management tips have been dispersed, and now the Recharge dust is settling all around us. As a team, we love reconnecting with you at Southern and Northern Recharge each spring and hearing of all the great work you do for youth across the state. Whether you joined us on FEBRUARY 9TH amidst the Red Rocks in St. George or on FEBRUARY 23RD along the Wasatch Front in Salt Lake City, we hope you were engaged and motivated (dare we say recharged) to make it across the finish line of the school year.
With over 450 ATTENDEES REPRESENTING MORE THAN 12,000 YOUTH, the impact that a regional training like Recharge can have is HUGE and requires top-notch breakout sessions. Anchored by Jack Rolfe's inspiring keynote message, 27 Seconds: Discovering Your Life Changing Moments, a wide variety of presenters came together to cover topics ranging anywhere from bullying and harassment prevention to quality STEM programming, and from nature play to staff and personal development. As always, thank you to our incredible lineup of presenters for adding such wisdom and energy to Southern and Northern Recharge!
You can still access the event schedules and uploaded handouts online via Sched:
Southern Recharge | Northern Recharge
THANK YOU to Dixie Middle School, Glendale Middle School, and our generous volunteers for accommodating these events and helping things run smoothly.