School Day Alignment

Utah Align for Success: School Day and Afterschool Alignment 

It is important for out-of-school time programs collaborate and coordinate efforts with schools to provide youth with the smooth transitions between the school day and afterschool programming. As we work together with school and community partners we are better able to support our youth. 

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National Association of Elementary School Principals 

The National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) has a number of resources available within their site. There is a map that providers can use to see what resources are available in each state of the nation. The site provides a number of best practice videos. There is large collection of websites for resources and information available spanning a number of topics. The site also furnishes research and resources to assist in implementing quality afterschool programs.

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Dual Capacity

The Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships (Version 2) is designed to support the development of family engagement strategies, policies, and programs. There are four main components to the framework: The Challenge, Essential Conditions, Policy and Program Goals, and Capacity Outcomes. Each component has a number of resources intended to help understand and meet the needs of programs seeking to strengthen family relationships.

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