STEM Skills


This is the National Youth Cyber Education Program created by the Air Force Association to inspire K-12 students towards careers in cybersecurity or other STEM disciplines critical to our nation's future.

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Design Squad

Discover hands-on engineering activities and videos that allow students to share their engineering ideas with one another.

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Math Counts

Explore engaging math programs for middle school students of all ability levels to build confidence and improve attitudes towards math and problem-solving.

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STEM Action Center | STEM in Motion

The STEM in Motion program aims to generate enthusiasm for STEM careers and supports the governor's initiative for a STEM-competitive workforce. Each school year STEM in Motion visits over 70 schools across Utah. Their site has information on their application process and their curriculum. Don't forget to check out their lesson library too!

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Afterschool Tech Toolkit

Learn how to give students powerful access to technology outside of classroom hours.

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