LGBTQ+ Youth Inclusive Spaces Train the Trainers (SLC)

Jan 30, 2023 10:00 am - 2:00 pm


Utah Department of Health and Human Services is excited to share with you a Training of Trainers opportunity has been scheduled for January 30th, from 10 am to 2 pm in Salt Lake City, for the newly developed LGBTQ+ Inclusive Spaces training series.  This ToT opportunity will be focused on adults who can offer training in a school setting, with future ToTs to be offered to other LGBTQ+ serving communities such as workplaces and faith communities.  For this pilot ToT, any YYASP workgroup member who is likely to present in a school setting is welcome to apply! 

The trainers will be Andrea Hood, Cathy Davis, Holly Bell, and Ray Bailey.

This Jan 30th training of trainers will cover:

  • an overview of LGBTQ+ terminology and cultural awareness of the LGBTQ+ community
  • risk and protective factors that impact mental health and other outcomes for LGBTQ+ youth
  • research-informed behaviors and strategies that can be implemented in schools and other youth serving organizations to increase protective factors and create more inclusive environments for LGBTQ+ individuals
  • tips for educating and engaging parents as partners in supporting LGBTQ+ youth
  • an overview of Utah law relating to schools and LGBTQ+ 

Approved participants will be certified to provide 30-60 minute Inclusive Spaces Trainings to school staff, youth serving organizations, and parents at the conclusion of this Training of Trainers. The 30-60 minute version will focus on risk and protective factors impacting this population and the research-informed behaviors and strategies that will increase protection from negative outcomes and create more inclusive environments. 

You may apply to participate in this and future training offerings at:

With your help, we can adopt more helpful behaviors and strategies that increase resilience and positive outcomes for these youth.